Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am thankful for God's presence in my life. For His guidance. His amazing, overpowering love.

Things have been amazingly normal lately. I still have my moments. But I'm learning that the life I am living now is not the alternative to something better, it IS the better.

I am taking a break from blogging due to not much time and not really any inspiration to write. I'll come back from time to time.


  1. I live for normal. I love normal. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what normal is!

    Enjoy your break. But please don't stay gone for too long.... ;o)

  2. You wrote, "But I'm learning that the life I am living now is not the alternative to something better, it IS the better." What a great thought. I love it.

    Enjoy the time you take for yourself. Happy Thanksgiving.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving! blogging breaks are always great! I am glad to hear things are normal :)


  4. Happy Thanksgiving Diane!!

    Glad to hear all is well with you.

    Hugs from Nebraska.

  5. Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving. Looking forward to your coming back to write when you want to. Best wishes to you.

  6. "E tu, Brute?" meaning "Are you also taking time off--I did that, it was goooood. I get so stale, and tired of reading what I write, same old, same old.

    I know--don't READ it! But I hunt and peck the keys so I'm constantly reading also.

    See ya on yr return....
